Invitation to Edsby
Welcome to our new school website!
We've changed the way we do things at KPRDSB. Our new website is mobile friendly, much faster, and we hope you like our new design. We've streamlined the website by moving much of the information found on our previous site inside to Edsby - where it really belongs.
Edsby is a fantastic platform we use to manage our classrooms and all internal school information safely and securely.
If you're a student, a parent, or a guardian, this means you belong in Edsby!

(click on Edsby above to go directly to the login screen)
Edsby is KPR’s new standardized communication system for students and parents, designed to provide better access to information about your child’s day at school, in a clear, easy to understand form.
Edsby is a “window” into your child’s classroom where you can see what’s being taught in class each day and read school and board-wide news. Edsby also keeps everything safe and secure within the confines of our school board, meaning no one from the outside world is “allowed in.” You can access Edsby from any web browser, and there is a free app for all smart phones.
If you do not have an Edsby login, please contact the school office. You will need to provide an email address in order for the school to invite you to Edsby. When invited, you will receive an invitation with login information and the registration process to create a password. If you have more than one child attending the school, you can use the same information to log in and see all of your children.
If you would like to learn more about Edsby, visit They have a page specifically for parents and even an introductory video you can watch.